Daughers First Car

Neil Stegent Submitted this review about Bluestar Auto Movers
Review made Live: 10/14/2008 5:12:00 PM
I was having a car delivered from my Uncles house in San Diego, Californai to Houston, Tx for my daugher. She was turning 16 and this was her first car (girls get excited about that kind of stuff). The drive arrived within 30 mins of the time specified and had the car inspected, paperwork filled out, and was on his way promptly. The Blue Star coordinator called me to let me know the car was in route and when I could expect it to arrive in Houston. We discussed the payment and arranged a place to meet. I was on my way out the door to meet the driver when Ali (the BlueStar coordinator) called to let me know the driver was at the designated location and was unloading the car. He unloaded the car, I paid him, gave him a tip to pay for his Breakfast, and we were both on our way.

Very smooth transaction and delivery.