You won`t get Burned using Bluestar

Michael Fryette Submitted this review about Bluestar Auto Movers
Review made Live: 8/29/2008 2:17:00 PM
I made a Move from Ar. to Fl. and had contracted a Carrier...Paid in advance....They never showed up...So I have been VERY Leary of any Car Haulers since...Then I Moved to the Big Island of Hawaii ....and had to Deal with the Fact I needed my Car here...So the search was on....I got close to 7 Quotes and called them all...From the Start Bluestarr had all the right answers and Did not ask for the move to be paid in full from the start...The Deposit was not bad at all....and when the Carrier showed on the day promised I started to feel abit better...I even had the person that was supposed to put the Car in the ship call me and tell me the route...and the day it was being Loaded on the ship...The one thng you didn`t think about when you said...He is only going to Hawaii...Well there are several islands in the Hawaiian chain...The main Port for me was Hilo ....and that is a 2 hour drive....but then we found a smaller port that was just 30 minutes away that took in Cars also...and for a very small additional fee Bluestar got it there for me...The extra fee was alot cheeper than the cost of the Drive to Hilo....These guys and Gals are a Great group and will keep your mind at ease when shipping your Vehicle....

Thanks Bluestarr and Greg....