Horrible Transporter

J Gambrell Submitted this review about Blue Star Auto Transport
Review made Live: 3/14/2012 1:21:00 PM
As an auto dealer, I have dealt with quite a few transporters but never experienced the poor service and lies I got from this transporter.

After my intial contact for a quote, Bobby contacted me three times within a matter of 3 hours to earn my business. After being told, the date my vehicles could be picked up, I agreed to use this them.

The day after the pickup was supposed to happen, I left Bobby a message asking for a status update. A second associate Robert called me back and attempted to assist me since Bobby was not in yet. Robert stated he would work to resolve the issue and call me back.

Three hours later, I left Bobby a second message, and Robert called me back again advising that the vehicles would be picked up the same day, when I asked what time, Robert told me he would call me back in ten minutes, which never happened.

I then called back requesting a refund which Robert told me I had to put the request in writing to there business address which is a private mail box location, not a really business address.

I now have to figure out other transportation options for my vehicles and file a fraud claim with my credit card company from dealing with this horrible transporter.