Cathy Pulls Through when others Didn't

John Ballard Submitted this review about Big Brothers Auto Transport
Review made Live: 4/16/2007 2:01:00 PM
I originally contacted a logistics company that seemed to have a good internet presence, but ran into a bad situation (no returned calls, abusive customer manners). I felt they would never get a truck for my vehicle. The pickup date came and went without even a phone call.

I called Big Brothers Auto Transport and spoke with Cathy and explained the situation. She promised to make a few calls and then call me back. Guess what -- SHE DID!!! Cathy found a driver and from that point the pickup and delivery were without any issues. The driver (and his team) were professional and business-like. Delivery was late at night (we had a limited delivery window) but all was done as we expected.

I would highly recommend Big Brothers Auto Transport and the trucking company DSD2000.