
Rob Stepenaskie Submitted this review about Big Brothers Auto Transport
Review made Live: 10/27/2008 7:14:00 PM
I am pleased with with the service of transporting my vehicle from Tennessee to Pennsylvania. I had instant contact with Cathy from the shipping company the same day. She returned all my calles very quicklyand was extremely polite and friendly. I also had no difficutly contacting my driver, James. He was also very pleasant and sociable when dropping off my vehicle. He told me that he does this often and was very careful when dropping off my vehicle with my assistance. After taking my vehicle home and inspecting it, i had noticed that my front bumper had numerous scratches on it, i assume from loading it on the truck. The vehicle was not scratched while lowering it from the truck, i was there to make sure. I had contacted the dealer where i had bought the vehilce and they told me that they would take care of this matter.