Honesty and Integrity a plus

Leslie Submitted this review about Big Brothers Auto Transport
Review made Live: 6/17/2008 2:07:00 PM
My daugher recently discharged from the service and returned to the states after a tour overseas. Her husband also in the armed services is still overseas. While expecting their first child my daughter and son-in-law decided it would be best for my daughter to move back east (the Boston Area) with his family. All proceeded as planned and then came the experience of trying to get an auto transported. My daughter originally placed the order with another transport broker who immediately began making promises of transport and charged her the entire amount up-front. After three weeks of broken promises, calls from my daugher getting more anxious as she got farther along in her pregnancy I stepped in. Luckily we were able to get the money back from the original company and I found Big Brothers Transport. Cathy was honest with me from the first time I spoke to her. We had a few obstacles to overcome, the fuel prices were quickly rising and not many companies were waiting in line to come to the remote area of northern California that we live in. After a few days of communication she helped us find a transporter that was willing to pick the car up from the Sacramento Area. My husband and I made the six hour drive to the location the car was to be picked up at and within a week my daughter was able to drive herself to the doctor. Cathy was honest and that was a plus from the beginning. She helped bring what started out as a nightmare to a happy ending.