Use this company - Ask for Stephanie

Leah Aston Submitted this review about Best Rate Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/27/2012 11:22:00 AM
After weeks of reading horror stories online I was completely skeptical of car transport companies. I didn't know which company to go with and the whole process was very stressful. Luckily I found this company. I picked it because of the good reviews, the very reasonable price, and because in talking with Stephanie Miller she didn't spin me a load of rubbish about this and that - she was really professional and up front. I can honestly say that Stephanie Miller provided me with some of the best customer service I have ever received. Everything about this company is above board. They were completely transparent, always promptly answered my calls and emails and went above and beyond to make sure my car was in Utah on time for me. I will absolutely use this company again.