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Scott Submitted this review about Beacon Shipping Logistics
Review made Live: 9/4/2024 3:51:00 PM
Very unhappy with the response, follow-up and failure to deliver on promises of Beacon Shipping. I worked with Clint to have a car shipped to me based on the referral of the dealership. The price was more than other shipping companies quoted me however I went with them based on dealer recommendation. I was not aware that they would subcontract to another shipping company. The car was to be delivered on a Saturday however, I was never updated as to ETA, contact information or any communication from Clint or Beacon. This was communicated by my salesman. When no car showed up I contacted my salesman who informed it would be Tuesday delivery. I spoke with Clint who assured me a Tuesday AM delivery. I took a day off from work so I would receive the vehicle. As the AM went into the PM I called Clint for status. He needed to reach out to the subtracted shipping company who said they were delayed at a different location and it would be delivered later that day. So now 2 wasted days of waiting for delivery. When no update throughout the afternoon I again contacted Clint who said there was an issue with the delivery and it would be pushed to Wed. I explained I would not be able to take time off and the delivery would have to be after I arrived home from work (5:30PM). Clint assured me that would not be a problem and that the delivery truck would need to wait for me to review the vehicle before it would be unloaded. I was then contacted by the subcontracted delivery company to see if I would be available any sooner. After several phone and text conversations and them insisting I find time or someone to receive the vehicle I referred them back to Clint for any future discussions. I arrived home early to find my vehicle in the driveway, locked and no delivery truck around. I contact Clint who eventually finds out the delivery person dropped my vehicle so they could load another one. This is against the agreement we had with Beacon. Finally the delivery person shows up, I sign for the vehichle and receive the keys. I contact Clint who offers to reimburse me for my time and frustrations. After 3-4 followup communications and Clint assuring me of compensation I again have not heard back and can only assume Beacon and Clint hope I will just go away. My recommendation is to search for another company but if you go with Beacon review the contract, get contact information up front and verify the shipping company. Scott