Auto Transport Experience with Avenderle

Bob Frazier Submitted this review about Avenderle Transport
Review made Live: 12/29/2011 6:38:00 PM
This was my 3rd transport (in 4 years) of a car back-and forth to my daughter's college in northwest Washington state from the Dallas area. While all 3 transports went quite well, this transport went particularly well. I had some logistics to coordinate to ensure that the vehicle did not arrive before my daughter arrived in Washington from abroad to meet the delivery truck, but as soon as possible thereafter so she would have timely use of the car.

Gilbert (of Avenderle) worked with the potential transport truckers in order to select one that could most closely target that date. The selected trucker was also great to work with- responsive when I needed to reach him and flexible as where to meet for pick-up/delivery. Overall, it was a great experience.

Bob Frazier
December 2011

Company Response
Michael Enderle from Avenderle Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 12/29/2011 8:38:00 PM
Thank you bob and It was a pleasure.Call us anytime at 818-826-3216 Gilbert