Autolog- Late and Clueless!!!

Bill Tice Submitted this review about Autolog
Review made Live: 6/14/2007 9:03:00 PM
An overall horrible experience. I could not recommend this company to anyone unless you truly don't care when your vehicle is delivered. We were told the trip would take 10 days and we allowed 20 days to make sure our vehicle would be in California when we arrived. As late as 2 days before our plane trip to get the car, we were assured our car would be there. I called to make sure I should fly across the country to get my car. We arrived in California and were then told that the car was still in New Jersey and was waiting for a rail car to fill up before it could depart. At this point after 20 days of going nowhere they put the car on a truck and 11 days later it got to California. I was assured many times during the transit period that only extreme conditions like weather or a rail strike would prevent our car from arriving when requested. The customer service people were either lying to me or just didn't know where my car was as they kept insisting the car was on schedule up to a few days before our trip. Neither of these explanations is indicitive of a reputable company. My claim for rental car reimbursement was denied because I didn't buy the "guaranteed arrival insurance" which was never offered to me. I can't believe this place is in business- do yourself a favor and look for someone more reliable. I will add that most of my contact was with North American Auto Transport, a broker for Autolog.