Many Thanks!

PJS Submitted this review about AutoZipper
Review made Live: 8/6/2008 4:16:00 AM
Overall, an excellent and transparent transport on the part of Autozipper and Ace Auto Trans. From sending the invoice online to receiving the car just today, I received frequent correspondence from both Brian (AutoZipper) and EK (Ace Auto Trans, whose service transported my truck) about my truck's arrival.

The timing couldn't have been more than perfect; Brian was realistic during the invoice process, and stated that transport time was more of a window than an exact date. Nonetheless, I received my truck the day after I arrived in Tennessee, and at a very reasonable hour. Correspondence from Brian was also supplemented by EK, who communicated with the driver, and even the driver himself (both for pickup and delivery). All the parties I talked to were friendly and cordial (by both email and phone), and I really appreciated the customer service.

My truck (full-size, hence the cost difference relative to other, smaller cars) was delivered in fine condition, and the personal items I stowed away were in the same shape as when I packed them. The only criticism I would give was that my car was dustier than it was, but negligibly so, as such is expected when transporting cars in an open truck.

All in all, excellent service from the top down, excellent timing, very transparent services, and for great prices. I'd definitely use them again. Thanks guys.