Thank you Auto Zipper

Heidi Submitted this review about AutoZipper
Review made Live: 10/9/2007 4:43:00 PM
I was very nervous about this whole process, but when I spoke with Brain he really made me feel very comfortable. I had two cars to move from one coast to the other. They both had to move at different times. Brain had a lot of patience with me because I kept changing my mind. When I finally settled on a dates, it all went very smoothly. I was not at my drop off point for my first car. It was put in a safe lot for a few days until I got to Florida to pick it up. The car was washed and clean and they people very nice. For the second car, I was in Florida. The driver called and was there to drop of my car in the time frame he gave me.
Thank you Brain and Auto-Zipper for making this a pleasant experience!!!!!!!