Multiple car transport

Douglas Loewer Submitted this review about AutoStar Transport Express
Review made Live: 9/27/2013 2:10:00 PM
I cannot describe the ordeal in this space, nor will I waste any more of my time. Suffice to say, Autostar stinks. Don't believe whatever whitewashed rebuttal Autostar responds wth.

Company Response
Mike Cannon from AutoStar Transport Express Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/27/2013 2:56:00 PM
From AutoStart Transport and Logistics: We will not waste anymore of the customers time as well, since he feels he has been given a less than acceptable service. Instead we will state the facts of the case. Customer booked a transport for 5 cars, and informed us all were in operable condition. When our assigned carrier showed up, one of the cars was not only inoperable, but leaking fluid. No carrier is going to transport a vehicle knowing it is leaking fluid and risk damaging other cars on their truck. Customer then proceeded to waste a week of our time before he decided to get the car repaired so that it would be operational for transport. Once the car was fixed, we then began the search again for carriers, and were made several offers from potential carriers asking for the market price for transporting a car along that route, all of which the customer refused. Finally, the customer canceled his order with us, but not before writing some very disparaging, racist toned emails about the staff of AutoStar Transport and Logistics. We are a multi-cultured company that believes in the American way of life, and take great offense to the tone of Mr. Loewer emails and will NOT waste one more minute trying to help him.