on time

Paul Submitted this review about AutoStar Transport Express
Review made Live: 1/6/2013 8:39:00 PM
Thanks to Kirsten Berenty and AutoStar, i was able to get my car delivered by Christmas, in fact it was a couple of days before. Great customer service. Thank you for all your help

Company Response
Mike Cannon from AutoStar Transport Express Submitted this response.
Response Date: 1/11/2013 9:05:00 AM
From Kirsten: kirsten.berenty@autostartransport.com Paul, Thanks for the awesome review Paul. I am so glad I was able to assist you. I know it was hard for you to find a good broker who can assist you until you found AutoStar Transport and Logistics. Next time your looking to move you know I will be here for you. If you or anyone needs assistance in the future please do not hesitate to contact Kirsten Berenty 888.802.8250 ext 2243 or email me at kirsten.berenty@autostartransport.com.