Shipping of "79" 635 euro BMW

Ashton Warner Jr Submitted this review about AutoStar Transport Express
Review made Live: 11/24/2012 10:22:00 AM
I had a wonderful and pleasing experience working with Max on the transport of my antique BMW from Florida to Las Vegas. Max was very honest and not pushy it was great working with him, I had to ship on open carrier due to cash restraints. However he assured me the carrier IB transport had very high ratings, my car was placed on the top rack without any hassle. The promptness in getting a carrier was amazing, I contacted Max over 3 months to get my car shipped but kept having to put off because of other things that came up on my end. However when I finally contacted him again on Nov 15th, he found me a carrier that same day with a pickup that same day. He quoted a price of $900 with a $200 deposit and the difference on delivery. Honestly I've read many horror stories about shipping and money issues upon arrival, I had my doubts seeing this was the first time shipping a car even worse cross country on an open carrier. I was very pleased with the whole process, I was able to keep in contact with IB transport for the duration of the transport. The driver contacted me the day before car was to be delivered and asked if I can receive that evening. He brought her almost to my front door, but close enough due to the narrow streets on my block. My baby arrived with no damage just the same way I left her back in Florida. On the whole Max Badessich from AutoStar Transport & Logistics did a wonderful job and I was pretty impressed with how everything transpired. I will also contact him and his company again to ship the remainder of my automobiles for the cross country trek. Again I'm a real client #341772-JM, I wasn't paid or obligated to write this did so because it was a great experience doing business with them and their carrier IB transport.
Ashton Warner Jr.

Company Response
Mike Cannon from AutoStar Transport Express Submitted this response.
Response Date: 11/28/2012 12:57:00 PM
From Max:, 888-802-8250 ext 2237 Thanks Ashton for taking the time to leave me a consumer report on my services in getting your classic BMW moved for you. As always things went exactly as planned and we were able to to get your car moved ASAP and with a quality driver. Feel free to let me know when the other cars are ready to move and I willl take care of it for you..!! - - Max Badessich - 888-802-8250 ext 2237 -