Daughters car to college

Tobi Whittemore Submitted this review about AutoStar Transport Express
Review made Live: 8/24/2012 8:58:00 PM
I needed my daughters car picked up in Texas north of Houston before we left to bring her back to Colgate University but wanted it when i was up there helping her move in so the window was tight. I worked with George who assured me it would happen. I was asked if it was possible to have the car delivered to a safe facility. Without me being there i had to trust the driver and trust the storage place. I arrived today and there was my dughters car exactky where it was said it would be in the exact conditionit was at pick up

Not only am i pleased at the price but when calling customer service the people seemed to truly care about the whole experience. I have already passed along the contact info to 5 people looking to move their cars
A++++++ overall

You guys rock!

Company Response
Mike Cannon from AutoStar Transport Express Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/27/2012 5:03:00 PM
George Prestera 888-802-8250 ext 2238 or Email me at george.prestera@autostartransport.com Thanks for the great review Tobi!!! I am so happy everything worked out perfect. The vehicle was picked up exactly when you wanted and delivered flawlessly. My customer service team always does a fantastic job with our customers and this time was no exception.