Georgia to Nevada

Nicole Submitted this review about AutoStar Transport Express
Review made Live: 7/23/2012 5:55:00 PM
I made arrangements with another company to pick up my vehicle on or around June 21, 2012, in Georgia with delivery to Nevada. I moved to Nevada on the 24th. By the 1st of July my vehicle had still not been picked up. The previous company could not advise me of a pick up date. Could not explain why vehicle had not already been picked up and in fact never called me, I had to repeatedly contact them just for information. On July 1, I contacted Autostar Transport and spoke with KIM (DUNTON-EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE) she explained how this industry works and how a carrier is chosen. I had to return to Georgia on July 4 because my vehicle was still there and I now had no where to store my vehicle and no one to take it to meet the carrier.. Upon returning I called KIM and let her know that I would be in Georgia and needed the car was picked up. Within a few days, on 3 separate occasions she called me to let me know that a carrier was willing to pick up my vehicle, but I must say that I was the one who was not prepared. Kim contacted me to let me know that another carrier would be in my area on July 17. At 10pm Tuesday July 17, a carrier picked up my vehicle and delivered it 4 days later on Sat July 21. Throughout this whole experience KIM has been great!!! Very professional and knowledgeable.. I would recommend Autostar Transport (KIM) to anyone looking to have your vehicle shipped!!!

Thank you so much KIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Company Response
Mike Cannon from AutoStar Transport Express Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/24/2012 12:14:00 PM
Dear Nicole (and Jose!) - Thank you so much for you kind review. You guys were an absolute pleasure to work with. I know you had had a difficult time with the previous broker but you made my job much easier by being responsive, flexible and understanding of the industry. It is SO KEY to understand how the industry works and as a broker, to set expectations. I am pleased I was able to do that with you….and get your vehicle transported quickly. Should you, or anyone else need assistance with transport in a honest, friendly manner - contact Kim Dunton 888-802-8250 ext 2234 OR - THANKS AGAIN.