Auto Go did not live up to their word

kyle Submitted this review about AutoGo Transport
Review made Live: 6/22/2008 1:36:00 PM
Agree with other reviewers about sloppy service. I reserved a window for transport 2 MONTHS ahead and they gave me a confirmation regarding that date. I was contacted approx a week ahead of time and told I would be given the specific day soon. Next thing I know I am getting a call from the trucking company's dispatcher telling me they were picking up my car 4 days early! When I called Rick to find out what happend he apologized but never admitted there was a mistake on their part despite the fact I have the original confirmation date they sent me by email. Now it is too late to get another pickup date and I will have to rent a car for 2 days and deal with that expense and hassle in the middle of trying to pack. They really let me down. Just hope the actual trucking company does a better job and doesn't lose or damage me car!