Review as the seller of a car

Gary M Submitted this review about Auto Transport 123
Review made Live: 9/17/2012 8:55:00 PM
My buyer had picked another company to go with and nothing ever happened a month went by. I came to this site and suggested he use autotransport123 due to there reviews. Being in Northern maine for pickup was hard. Im sure not many carriers wanted to come this far north. I was worried that my car wouldnt be shipped to the buyer. I called them and they were great explaning the process. Within a week of the buyer contracting with them a carrier was here A DAY EARLY! Though communication with me as a seller (not the actual contractee) could have been better but all went well and the truck driver was great! Very nice and helpful. I didnt get the 24 hour notice like they promised more like 2 hours and a day early but that was fine. Id use them again there GREAT!!