Mislead on delivery times

Billy Newport Submitted this review about Auto Shippers America
Review made Live: 5/29/2007 10:02:00 PM
I found them using an online rate quote. Donna was very nice and called me several times. I decided to use her in the end when on May 19th, I told her I needed the car by June 4th. She counted out the days and said, no problem. I paid the deposit and needed to pay 700 to the driver on delivery. I called the garage on May 29th and the car was still there. I then called Donna and she passed me to customer support.

Andrew Gross called me back and claimed it was impossible to guarantee a delivery date and that was that. I explained Donna had told me June 1 with no problems and he denied she said that which basically makes me a liar.

I then cancelled because I didn't like the service and felt I'd been mislead and saw no reason to goahead with them. Andrew then said the deposit was forfeit because I cancelled. The fact that I'd entered in to the agreement after being mislead doesn't factor in here.

Basically, I'm very disappointed. If they had acknowledged the mistake, said sorry and refunded, I wouldn't mind but I feel I was unfairly treated by Andrew and they have basically taken 200 bucks after unfairly entering in to a verbal contract on the phone after which I paid the deposit. Then when I phoned to complain, Andrew basically called me a liar by denying Donna would have promised a June 4th delivery.

Company Response
Andrew Gross from Auto Shippers America Submitted this response.
Response Date: 6/1/2007 2:56:00 PM
Mr. Newport was not mislead. He selected the least expensive service and indicated to the agent that he was flexible on timing. He became impatient and cancelled his contract after only 8 days. When we spoke with him, we urged him not to cancel so quickly, and to give it more time to work. He chose to cancel.