Dishonest and Unreliable

John Submitted this review about Auto Shippers America
Review made Live: 10/20/2008 3:44:00 PM
This company seemed reliable and knowledgeable after first conversation. I DO NOT RECOMMEND ASA. They never moved my car and will not refund any of my deposit even after I was told that I could get out of the contract without penalty as it had been over 21 days. Company owner, Andrew, does not stand behind his employees and said it was their problem if they were wrong, not his or his company's problem. Keep looking, there are plenty of other reputable companies available.

Company Response
Andrew Gross from Auto Shippers America Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/20/2008 5:15:00 PM
Mr. Dennis is making statements that are absolutely untrue. He was impatient from day one and terminated his contract early, not when he claims. He did so after ASA had completed dispatch and secured a driver on his behalf. He had double booked with a second company. He tried several hollow excuses to receive a refund and when he failed, he then tried to negotiate a partial refund.Truth is not negotiable. He very clearly identified himself. ASA did the job and deserves to be paid for same.