Will NOT stop messaging

Jacob Submitted this review about Auto Freight Carriers LLC
Review made Live: 6/5/2024 5:05:00 PM
This business continuously sends messages even after asked to stop. They told me the command to stop was 'STOP'. It didn't work. I tried twice. and they kept texting They may have been messing with me. They then told me the command to stop was 'NO'. This command didn't work either. I received a text reply immediately after. They do not follow their own rules or respect basic human communication.

Company Response
Daniel Harris from Auto Freight Carriers LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 6/6/2024 4:55:00 PM
Good afternoon dear sir/madam Firstly I am really sorry for this inconvenience! We have reviewed your issue and checked with our sales representative (James), while he was experiencing family issues, system sent out automated follow up messages, we are really sorry for this incident you have faced, your agent has removed your number from the system as soon as he got back to the office. Please advise if you can help us out on this review removal, thanks! Daniel Harris Manager of Auto Freight Carriers LLC