Swith and bait, and charged me after dispute

T. Luu Submitted this review about Atlas Car Transport LLC
Review made Live: 11/8/2010 12:27:00 AM
DO NOT TRUST NICK! I am reposting this review after my original poor review because Atlas denied I was their customer. I have a customer number and have been charge $150 to my credit card even though I cancelled my order on June 24. THe reason I cancelled was because I felt that I had been mislead to think my cars would be transported for $1600 on the promised date. However, one week before the delivery date, Nick called to told me that the price will be $1800 instead of $1600 as originally quoted. Of course I cancelled the order, but was charged $150 on my credit card even thought I was told I would not be charged a penny if they did not deliver.
The same day I gave Atlas a poor review on this site, but they are so dishonest and denied that I was a customer and had transport review REMOVE me review so that only good reveiws would be posted. I don't know how many times they had other bad reviews removed. I would not had known to repost this until today because my credit company charged me. How can they deny I am a customer if they ask my Discover card to charge me? so DISHONEST, not reputable and an absolute BAIT AND SWITCH. THEY PROMISED $1600 AND RAISED THE PRICE ONE WEEK BEFORE PICK UP DATE, KNOWING I WOULD BE DESPARATE. I am in the NAVY and my moves are stressful enough without having to deal with dishonest companies like this! Please don't trust them.