Well Handled

Andrew Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 3/15/2005 11:07:00 AM
I contacted Dina and Kathy via email and they responded quickly by both email and telephone. They were quick to offer competitive pricing based on other estimates I had received.

Timing was everything as they picked up my vehicle within 4 hours and had it delivered within 3 days. They were able to locate an available driver within the area of my pick up and made the arrangements quickly and efficiently.

The driver's cell phone number was made available to me so that I had the ability to track my vehicle at anytime. I checked on the progress of his travel several times and was spoken to in a professional and friendly demeanor.

The only hick up in the process was the driver's lack of knowledge in the interstate highways of Texas - so his progress on the delivery date was slower than he anticipated - Lots of towns to go through dropped his average speed substanially. He arrived about 8 hours later than expected but was very open to either meeting me when he got in or waiting until the next morning.

Of course who would want to wait until the next morning when they have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of their new toy! So at midnight we made the swap - and alas my new addition was safely welcomed into its new home!

Thanks Dina, Kathy and Ronnie for doing what seems to be a diminishing trait in conducting business - They did what they said they would! I will call upon them when the next toy needs a lift to its new home.