Great service

Josh Markiewicz Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 6/16/2007 1:36:00 PM
Angels Moving Autos made the car transport a fairly easy experience. It took just a few minutes to set up the whole deal. Watch the autoquote though, it can be much lower than they'll quote you over the phone. I was told they would try to put my bid in cheaper but called back less than 2 hours later with the car assigned to a carrier at the higher price. It could only mean that they never even tried to put it in at the lower price like they said they would do for a day or two.

Aside from that little negative, they were on top of the followthrough. They called the day before the pickup, the day of pickup, the day before delivery, the day of delivery and then a day or two afterwards just to make sure everything was going well. You couldn't really ask for any better followup.