Phoenix to Houston in three days

Patrick Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 2/24/2005 5:43:00 PM
Called Karen at Angels Moving Autos on a Monday. She was able to broker a trucker from Phoenix to Houston within four hours. Gave two phone numbers for the trucking company, SRH. $550 was the cost.

The car was picked up the next day from my father's house. The trucker didn't call me directly, I had to call him to make sure he had the details straight. Left a message and Bill (the trucker) got right back to me. He made arrangements with me, and later called my father.

My father is an old-school all-business kind of guy, so he loved Bill the trucker who seemed cut from the same cloth. Nice fellow with a new three-car open rig.

Karen told me that it would probably be in Houston by Thursday. That sounded optimistic given the rain that was pounding AZ at the time. Indeed, Bill did arrive in Houston on Thursday night. I believe he had local family obligations and called me that night to make arrangements for delivery to my office. Bill was courteous and told me he could deliver at any time that was convenient to me (his home / office is 45 min north of mine). The car arrived in the same condition on Friday morning as when it was picked up on Tuesday.

I'd use Angels again.