The Best

BE Labouvie Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 4/26/2007 12:50:00 PM
Thank You so very much! The transport could not have gone smoother. Rielynn took care of everything and Dana, the driver, was wonderful. I was in Hawai'i during this time and I had never seen the car and was not in the state to accept it so there were a couple of atypical situations that had to be resolved. Rielynn's communication, dedication to finding the best carrier, and availability to answer all my questions was unsurpassed. I put the contract out to bid and received lesser quotes but none of the relationship confidence with the other brokers. Dana, the driver, was also always available to answer questions during the transport. He was incredibly courteous and his intelligent communication kept me relaxed and comfortable about the safety of my car. The car was delivered where and when promised and in great shape. I will be using Rielynn, Angel and Dana in for all my future transport needs and recommend them to anybody that wants to insure a successful and fun solution for moving vehicles.