These people are indeed Angels!

Adrienne G Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 4/10/2007 9:30:00 PM
What a great experience! I hope that everyone who transports an auto has as wonderful an experience as we did with Angels Moving Autos. The car arrived 3 days early and was about $200 - $400 less than most of the quotes we got. David was amazing and spent a considerable amount of time on the phone with me as he answered each question in great detail and explained the process.

Our beautiful $40K Volvo arrived in perfect condition and within the 2 hour window in which we were given. We were on vacation while the car was transported and the driver kept us updated as the vehicle got closer to the east coast.

Thank you SOOOOO much to the entire professional staff at Angel Moving Autos! Thank you - The Grayson Family
Charleston, SC