Experience With Angels

Wayne Sewell Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 3/29/2010 10:42:00 PM
This was my fourth vehicle shipment that I had "Angles" broker for me. I will not use any other agency for my moves and highly recommend them to other people. My son was the first person to take my advice and had "Angels" move his truck from Reno, Nevada to Dracut, Massachusetts. It was the middle of the winter, and his journey across the country was stopped by severe weather ahead of him for the entire route. Deanna worked magic by finding a transporter when it seemed none of them was crossing the Sierra Mountains to Reno. It took her a couple of weeks but in spite of the horrible snowy weather, she found a really great trucker to handle the job. As usual, the transport trucker made the journey within 3 days of his planned arrival. The weather was very bad yet he somehow managed to find a clear route and the vehicle was delivered in perfect condition.

My Explorer Sport Track is the vehicle "Angels" has shipped several times for me and it still has no damage, not even a scratch, that I did not create myself. My experiences with the "Angels" has always been fun and I have become business friends with a few of them. We have shared personal stories of our lives between the business information and I feel as if we are friends.

I am certain that other people will have similar experiences with "Angels" and I would love to hear some of your stories.