CA to Louisiana

Durward Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 3/21/2010 10:50:00 AM
Everything went well except that the pick-up was one day later than we had agreed upon. The driver's on both ends were not able to get to the homes where the car was to be picked up and delivered. The pick up point was on a steep street and the driver said that he couldn't get up the street, so I met him at the corner about a block away. On the receive end, the driver couldn't come to the house because there was no place to turn around on the dead-end road. We met the driver about a mile away on a small highway.

Overall, I would recommend the service. Even though there was a slight delay on the pick up, it was still quicker than other carriers that I contacted. There is a shotage of carriers in the CA area right now which makes it difficult to get service as quickly as would be ideal.