coast to coast

Carlos Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 8/26/2009 6:23:00 PM
I researched this site and the BBB website to choose the right company to move my car from Los Angeles to New York. Angels was the best here and had a good history with the BBB (believe they had a B at the time). I made the call, and since they are a broker, they put me in a 3 way call with the carrier.

Pretty friendly, and the carrier was going to pick up my car at my apartment for free. However, on the day of the pick-up, the driver had problems with the truck, and I was the one calling to check on the status. This was the only thing negative about the move. Spoke with the owner about options, and he suggested that since I was going to the airport the next day, I could drop it off, and he would get me to the airport...way to make it up!!! Saved me some money by not having to pay for a taxi or rental car! :D

Over the other coast, I was always kept up to date by Sara regarding the location of my car. I actually received the car in Jersey, as it was cheaper (suggested by them).

In summary, great service and fair price, can't ask for more.