Good Customer Service - recommended

captain Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 1/31/2009 9:31:00 PM
I can see why Angels gets top ratings. The women in the office handling the bookings (Jennifer and Karen) and giving support (Michelle) are top-notch. They were friendly and knowledgeable and easily available by phone at all times. As with most of the large transport companies, they book the shipment through sub-contractors, but they claim to only use carriers they have used before with good results.

The transport got off to a rocky start. The original carrier was over-booked and did not show up. He tried to re-schedule, but we had already booked our flight and were in a bind. Jennifer and Karen at Angels worked hard to secure a replacement that same day and the vehicle was then picked up as scheduled, although a little late at night.

I did not like the driver. He made my wife sign a form stating that since the car was dirty (it was not especially dirty, just not washed), he could not inspect it and would not be responsible for ANY damage. She should not have signed the form, but since it was dark and he made her meet him on a back road she could not read it (her fault I admit). That's another thing. He would not come to the house, claiming his truck would not fit. That was not true as the streets are plenty wide with room to turn, and many large moving vans serve the neighborhood regularly.

The driver was scheduled to deliver on a Friday, but we never heard from him. I called him at 11AM and he told me he would arrive at 3PM. I called him again at 5PM and he told me he was having problems with another vehicle and would be late. He called at 9PM to tell me he was outside, but it turned out he was 5 miles away. He said that his GPS was malfunctioning and wanted me to meet him! Did he expect me to walk the 5 miles? If I drove there how would I get two vehicles home? When he finally arrived I mentioned about the form my wife had to sign. He said it was because the car was covered with snow when he picked it up. (The car had come out of our garage and had no snow on it).

However, the car was not damaged in any way and that is all that matters. It was very dirty, but I expected that and that is not the driver's fault. Your car will get dirty no matter who you use if it is not an enclosed transporter.

All in all I would rate Angles A+ because they did their job wonderfully and called me several times just to check up on things. Next time I use them (I will definitely use them again) I will just ask for a different driver.

In summary - many positives - Great customer service and support from the women in the office. Good communication and they really appeared to go out of their way to make the whole process smooth. They made me feel like I was the only transport they were doing that day although I know they do dozens or more daily. And their price was one of the lowest quotes I received. The car was delivered in only 4 days from NJ to FL and without any damage.

Negatives - the attitude of the driver - not taking responsibility for potential damage and trying to drop off 5 miles short of the destination.

Angels Moving Autos gets my recommendation.