1st car delivery

Larry Adams Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 11/8/2008 9:59:00 PM
This was my first car delivery. Everything I might have asked (or forgotten to ask, then called back later to find out) Angels brought up in the beginning, so everything was covered. They stayed with the process and kept me updated at the crucial points - carrier contract, pickup, close to delivery - so I never had to call to find out what my situation was. The carrier they found did a great job. After a cross country ride on an open trailer, the car had nothing but dust and dead bugs on it. No undercarriage damage, no scratches. The driver was excellent at finding a good close drop off spot, which is not that easy for a big car carrier in a tree-covered suburban part of Atlanta. $995 seemed pretty good to me for coast to coast delivery, especially with diesel at $4/gallon that month. I will not hesitate to call Angels again.