Great Job

Siam Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 8/29/2008 5:47:00 PM
Angels was very organized from the start. They contracted us out to Transylvania Express and the drivers name was Matt. This company was great from the start. They were very prompt and punctual. Our driver Matt was very curteous and polite. Somehow he got our car from San Diego to Michigan in less than six days. They were constantly in contact with us throughout the trip. Angels was also checking in with us from start to finish. There really was not much to worry about or do on our part because the move was so smooth. At the end I would say that Angels was a little pricey but it was well worth it. By getting our car on time we saved money on rental fees that could have really added up. I would say unless you can find a great company and driver like the one we had for our move on your own, you should have Angels help you with your transport.