Angels On Earth

Sue Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 8/28/2008 5:49:00 PM
Angels Moving Autos' service was excellent. It was my first time having a car moved. I know noone who has used a car mover so I decided to read the review from this website.Because of the ratings, I decided to use Angels Moving Autos eventhough I got lots of quotes with the price ranging from 400 - 700 (all on an open carrier). I wanted to get a quote online during weekend when they were closed. First thing on Monday a representative called and gave me the quoted price. The representative (I couldn't remember her name) was very nice. I told her that I am now in VA and left the car with my friend in MI. She informed my friend and I that the car will be picked up on Thursday. When the car was picked up earlier than we thought, she call me and make sure that I knew. My car was scheduled for delivery on Friday but it was delivered safely on Thursday!