Prompt & attentive service

Jenny Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 8/5/2008 4:56:00 PM
As I searched for a transporter, I was nervous about the ambiguity in pick up and delivery times most companies quoted. It appeared this was the primary complaint from the reviews on this website. One company with a very high rating on this site had a lower quote but said it would take up to 21 days for pick up, but there was no guarantee. I chose Angels Moving Autos because of their high rating, competitive quote, and confidence they had that the car would be picked up and delivered quickly. It was picked up within 2 days. The delivery was only supposed to take 3 days (over a weekend), but the carrier (Speedy Duck transport) was delayed by another car they were dropping off so ended up taking 5 days until the car arrived. Even though there was a delay, the pick up and delivery was still executed in less than a week, which exceeded my expectations. The ladies at Angels had great customer service and contacted every other day with updates.