Shipped Smart Car

Jeff Cole Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 7/22/2008 5:26:00 PM
This organization performed well during my most recent shipment of one of the new smart cars from California to Wisconsin. The price they quoted was competitive and they assisted me in the payment terms to avoid delay and complication upon delivery. The paperwork was provided to me promptly and was fairly straight forward requiring only my signature and some ID verification. After submitting the paperwork the actual scheduling of the pick up took just a bit longer than I had hoped for. However, I was contacted for a pick up appointment and the driver was punctual. The pick up was quick and easy. I heard nothing in transit (which was fine). Then I received an e-mail requesting my feedback on the move. I replied requesting delivery confirmation and was quickly responded to that the vehicle had been delivered. I verified delivery with my local contact. His response was that "Car was delivered this morning to Milwaukee. They said the car looks great and they have the key in hand." I was billed the amount of the quote. I would definitly use this service provider again.