Reliable, honest auto transporters

Courtnay Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 7/10/2008 12:46:00 AM
I recently moved from Miami to San Francisco. With rising gas prices and quotes from various transporters, I was worried about getting a true, concrete price for my transportation. Angel's charged a bit more when I made the reservation but backed their additional cost with excellent service. Angel's is a broker and charges $200 for finding the actual company who transports the vehicle. In my case it was Coast to Coast Auto Transport. They were FANTASTIC! The driver (a nice Romanian man) was exceedingly friendly, business-like and reliable. He was in frequent contact with me about the pick-up and delivery and he graciously worked around my busy schedule. There were no additional charges and though he tried to refuse tip, I forced a few bills on him! My overall experience was excellent and totally worth the slightly higher cost.