Great Company & VERY Detailed

Jeff Thornton Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 1/16/2013 9:58:00 AM
I highly recommend Angels Moving Autos! First, they provide you with all the essential information you need to get the process going and update you on every step.

This was my first time ever shipping a car and I really enjoyed how smooth Angels made it. I worked with Megan (which I also, HIGHLY RECOMMEND). She kept me updated throughout the entire process from booking, transport confirmation, and pickup/delivery. Megan coordinated with my family as well, since I was already in PA at the time of pickup. The entire process was seamless! She also gave me helpful tips on what to lookout as far as damages, since my vehicle was delivered at night.

The email delivery system is also very detailed in what steps are involved from pricing, pickup/delivery expectations, preparing the vehicle shipment/drop-off. Their system is very effective and detailed which I really like.

The company Angels selected for transport Arizona Auto Shippers LLC was great as well! The driver Adrian would call me to keep me updated on his arrival time window and current location.

All together using this service saved me a lot of time, miles, and headache. I highly recommend Angels Moving Autos and will definitely do business with them again!


Jeffrey D. Thornton
@jdthornton4 | @8Tinc