Don't raise price at the last minute. Don't use all my gas in the tank.

Richard Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 1/7/2013 2:05:00 PM
I signed the contract on 11/21/2012 to ship my car at the price of $1150 in the time window from 12/10 to 12/14. My flight leaving from New York to Washington was on 12/15. I called Meghan on 12/11 to make sure everything is OK. Meghan assured me that everything is under controlled. No worries. They would call me before 12/14. Nobody called me. I called Angles Moving Auto on 12/13 and got a big surprise. The owner asked me to either raise $100 or cancel the contract rudely. She said no driver would like to ship my car at the price written in the contract. I argued with her why didn't you let me know when I called you at 12/11. She said it was not her but Meghan said no problem. She said the more I talk, the less time she could find a driver. Are you serious? Is that the way you are doing business?

I have to take the raised price because I had no time to find another carrier. The drivers picked up my car are nice. They delivered my car on time although it was dirty. I wish I could say thank you if they didn't drive my car for 100 miles and use all my gas in the tank. Check your mileage, gas and write them down. I hope this helps for your choice. Good luck.