Transport of BMW M3

Gary Simpson Submitted this review about Angels Moving Autos
Review made Live: 5/15/2012 4:56:00 PM
The customer service of Angels was very good. There was frequent contact and follow-up. I was keep informed of status and delivery day/time.

The only issue was that the driver was an idiot. He delivered the car to an address (3899 Crecent Dr.) that was 5 miles from the designated delivery address (4099 Creciente Dr.). I relayed the correct address to him by phone as he was coming into Santa Barbara and spelled the street name as it is unusual. It somehow turned into 3899 Crecent. Interestingly enough, the correct address was on his paperwork as the destination. It might have been a language issue as English was obviously a distant 2nd language for him.

Thankfully, the car arrived undamaged.