The best service!

Tom Submitted this review about America's Choice Auto Movers
Review made Live: 1/2/2007 3:33:00 AM

Super fast service!!

I called for a pick-up on a Thursday afternoon of a 1950 truck. I agreed for the standard service (not expedited). It was picked-up on Saturday morning. Later that evening it was in Michigan more than 600 miles from its original pickup! The shipper RAD transport called Sunday afternoon for delivery however, due to a scheduling problem on my end, I had to rescheduled the delivery for the following day (Monday).

Once the truck arrived, I made a careful inspection and nothing was found to indicate anything other than perfect care. The driver was very courteous and anxious to please. A great experience from start to finish, so much so, I wouldn't consider any other transporter the next time I need a vehicle shipped!