Absolutely No Problems!

Tiffany Submitted this review about America's Choice Auto Movers
Review made Live: 5/11/2005 5:09:00 PM
I was a very nervous first time eBay buyer. After reading the reviews on this site, I was even more nervous abuot choosing a shipper for my new car. It seems like there are enough bad experiences out there to warrant researching carefully. In the end I came to the conclusion that these shipping companies are only as good as their transporters. Believing that I chose this company for the consistency of great feedback. I was not disappointed. The car arrived before I expected. I was out of town and they worked with me to drop it off at a towing yard that would store it for me. No attitude, no worries; just total flexibility and professionalism. A friend colleague just asked me about shipping a car from New Jersey here to Seattle. I referred this company. There's no way that I would do that unless my experience was impeccable. I count myself very lucky that I encountered a flexible eBay seller and had the good sense to choose this carrier.