If I am Not a Customer to write a review why did you charge my credit card?

Maya Submitted this review about American Century Transport
Review made Live: 3/25/2009 2:04:00 PM
I am Outraged to see that these type of companies are in business. I placed my order on Friday and Mercedes with ACT promised to have a driver call me on Sunday and pick up the vehicle on Monday; no calls; also I questioned Mercedes about the gas voucher sveral time because it was too good to be true ( and she kept reassuring me that this is not a scam completely true(that once the driver delivers the vehicle to me he would hand me paperwork which I would have to send to her) once the paperwork is received I would begin to receive $25 checks in the mail but would be able to redeem them at a gas station of my choice until the full $300.00 are consumed. I called Mercedes on Monday and noticed her rude manner and tone she took up with me (def not her tone before deposit was collected). I decided to google the company and too only find all the horror stories; hoping not to become a review nor a horror story on this site I called to cancel the order. She said that the car has been dispatched; how am I suppose to know if that true; the driver never contacted me. I also questioned her about what I read about the gas voucher at which point she became even more rude and frustrated and just contacted me to another coworker. The other lady (if you may call her that) kept repeating "you are not getting your deposit back" and hung up the phone on me. Thank goodness I at least have my car; as I have come to realize that these people live on these deposits; by the way they have erased my review forcing me to write another one. OBTWay if you want to register for the gas voucher go to www.claimyourgas.com but this is how it works you have to spend $100 worth of gas send in those reciepts and get a $25.00 voucher. How Crazy for ACT to use this offer for INCENTIVE to rip off more people. Also file a complaint at http://myfloridalegal.com/pages.nsf/4492d797dc0bd92f85256cb80055fb97/030e31f06ef0184d85256cc600706904!OpenDocument and still get your $300.00 gas voucher at www.claimyourgas.com (same terms and conditions as ACT offers).

Company Response
Evelyn Molly Monica from American Century Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 3/29/2009 1:33:00 PM
Did't understand terms and conditions of her signed contract. Driver went to pickup customer's vehicle and customer didn't want to release to driver which cost us a drive run fee. And regards to the voucher it's not a scam, you receive $25 dollars on a month to month basis after submiting $100 dollars of receipts a month. This is explained and it's just an incentive it has nothing to do with our service.The voucher is FREE. and at the end you receive $300 of free gas.