Beware of actual car carriers that will transport your car

Sriram Chandrasekaran Submitted this review about American Car Transporters Inc.
Review made Live: 9/16/2012 8:49:00 AM
I used American Car Transporters to arrange for a car transport from Jersey City, NJ to Houston, TX. As a broker, American Car Transporters were very prompt in receiving all my calls. Unfortunately, the carrier that had accepted to transport my car`(Contact: Luis Lizarraga, Carrier: Transportation and Logistic LL Corp) proved to be a company with poor ethical standards. The carrier company used the excuse of some maintenance issues with the truck every time there was a delay, starting with the time when my vehicle was picked up. The initial quote to transport the vehicle was $750 including the broker commission of $150. I was told that the car would be in Houston on Friday if it was picked up on Tuesday. Since I wasn't going to be in Houston until Saturday, I wanted to see if the delivery can be delayed by a day. The broker came back saying that the carrier demanded $100 extra to delay delivery by a day. Since that was a cost of their business, I agreed. My car was not picked up until late evening on Tuesday (Aug 28th). It was supposed to be delivered on Sep 1st. I finally had the car delivered only late night on Sep 6th. So, I was out the extra $100 for service that was not provided and on top of it, had to pay for a rental car. Dealing with the carrier and the driver proved to be an extremely challenging and time consuming task during this process. The calls were not picked up mostly and when they did pick the calls, the conversation was very difficult. The driver finally told me when the car was delivered that the truck was retained in other cities till the truck was filled up and hence the delay in getting to Houston. I can live with the delays but the ethical standards of the carrier and the way they dealt with customers was pathetic to say the least.

In all this drama, American Car Transporters was atleast approachable and took all my calls. They tried to help connect with the carrier but obviously they don't own the carrier and hence there is only so much they can do. I also really appreciated the call from Mitch Chencin of American Car Transporters who apologized for the delays from the carrier and refunded the extra $100 charged for a service that was not provided. I realize this is the best they could do and couldn't really do much more for the carrier's unethical practices. In all, although the experience with the carrier was highly unfortunate, American Car Transporters was the saving grace to the extent they could.

Company Response
Mitch Chencin from American Car Transporters Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/17/2012 3:09:00 PM
Sriram, Thank you for your feedback. We try very hard to "scrub" down the companies we choose to transport your vehicle. We strive for complete satisfaction. Sometimes delays due happen from mechanical problems, but this was not one of them and we apologize. We will work harder to make sure our drivers do better. For potential customers who would like to book with Jason Dominick please call him at 754-229-3397 or email at JASON@AMERICANCARTRANSPORTERS.COM.