Will never use again

B Walker Submitted this review about American Auto Relocation Pros.
Review made Live: 3/23/2009 2:26:00 PM
I contracted to have a vehicle picked up on 03/02/09. The following are the details:

• 1/21/09: Contract printed and mailed, along with 'authorization' to charge and CC information. Contract estimated ship date 03/02/2009

• 2/4/09 3:39pm, ET 01:52 - checking to make sure everything is set, assured that it's all good to go. Was assured that everything is in order.

• 03/05/09: 5:06pm, ET 06:34 - Called to check status, make sure things are still a 'go'. Woman that answered phone was surprised it hadn't been picked up. Was put on hold for a bit and told she'd get someone to pick it up. Acted like she thought it had been picked up already. I also asked who to have the cashier's check made out to. She said that's up to the truck driver and she'd have to call back.

• 03/09/3009: 2:55pm, ER 6:29 - Claimed she sent an email with information about who to make out cashier's check to. None received (and I know for sure my servers are in good shape, and it didn't hit the spam bucket which I check daily). Still no idea who to make out the cashier's check to. Woman claimed the truck was in LA and she'd see what's going on.

• 03/10/09: 10:02am, ET 03:11 - She said her computer was upgrading, gave me the phone number for 'David' the truck driver. Said she'd call him later (presumably due to 3 hour time difference) and find out what's going on.

• 03/11/09: 11:57am, ET 02:51 tried calling 'David', no answer, no voice mail, rang for nearly 3 minutes

• 03/11/09: 1:21pm, ET 01:00, tried 'David' again, same thing

• 03/11/09: 1:23pm, ET 07:15, called AARP put on hold so she could call the driver. She came back and said he was giving her the run around so she would find another driver and call me back in an hour or so.

• 03/11/09: 5:12pm, ET 1:27, called and got answering machine, left message requesting status and wondering why I didn't get a call back yesterday.

• 03/12/09: 10:03am, ET 2:11, assured they will be picking up this afternoon, Greg from Long Time Auto. Woman claimed to have sent details via email, no such email has arrived.

• 03/12/09: 7:35pm, still no pickup (4:35pm at pickup location in California)

• 03/13/09: 12:07pm, ET 10:01 - Spoke with Greg from Long Time Auto. They seem to have their game together, should be picked up today.

Long story short, once it got into the hands of Long Time Auto, everything went smoothly.

I believe I was being lied to about a lot of things, considering the utter lack of follow through (I never received any phone calls from them, period, nor any emails since the contract was received) I would never consider using their 'service' if you can call it that.