some damages

Fawn Submitted this review about AmeriFreight Car Shipping
Review made Live: 7/19/2010 12:01:00 PM
UPT physically moved my car. The number they provided on the bill of lading was incorrect. Amerifreight immediately got me the correct number. Amerifreight seems to have great customer service (worked with Aaron), but I am waiting to see how it goes getting the new scrapes and dent removed from my car. I understand UPT is separate from Amerifreight, but I still expect and hope to receive assisstance with this damage issue since Amerfreight is who I selected to do business with.

Company Response
AmeriFreight from AmeriFreight Car Shipping Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/21/2010 12:21:00 PM
This order was handled by our Shipping Agent- Aaron, direct line- 678-552-4079.