Great Service

Kasey Phillips Submitted this review about AmeriFreight Car Shipping
Review made Live: 8/26/2009 6:29:00 PM
My boyfriend and I recently moved from California to Florida. We both have cars and knew that we would be driving at least one car. To avoid putting the mileage on my car, we agreed to have it transported by a carrier. My boyfriend actually used this same carrier last year as well and was pleased with the service. I knew that I would need to pack a few things in the car so I was a bit hesitant about my belongings. AmeriFreight was great about providing phone numbers and contact information of the people that would be transporting my car. I called the gentleman frequently and he was always very kind and reassured me that anything that was in my car had not been touched therefore he couldn't even tell me what was in there (which made me comfortable). Upon arrival I made sure that everything was in the same condition as when my car was picked up in California. I did not sign the car off until I saw all my belongings. Although there was a definite language barrier, the gentleman was very kind and understanding as was the carrier as they knew I was concerned. I was very happy with the service and will use them again should the situation arise where I need to. I highly recommend :)