Very good Experience

Lawrence Hughes Submitted this review about AmeriFreight Car Shipping
Review made Live: 3/20/2009 11:05:00 PM
I've had my streak of very poor experiences with auto transport companies. However, I can assure you that AmeriFreight is the real deal. The price was fair and they were attentive to my questions with prompt responses to my emails. One complaint I had with them is that it's almost impossible to reach a person via a call - you generally get the Voicemail. They do call back within a reasonable time. The web based instant contact is really not usable (they never pick up) - My BMW X5 was picked up 7 days from my original order. They had time finding a carrier - in fact, they upped my original bid with $50 of their own to attract a carrier. They found me an absolute first rate carrier. They were on time and responsive. Moreover, they delivered my BMW X5 1 day ahead of schedule and on the hour they said they would be there. They even washed the car (yup, washed it!!) prior to drop off.