Completely Ignored by Amerifreight when trying to cancel order

Aaron Woods Submitted this review about AmeriFreight Car Shipping
Review made Live: 5/8/2012 7:17:00 AM
March 22nd I decided to go with Amerifreight to ship my car from Las Vegas to Ohio. I wasn't really in any hurry to ship it, so I went with their saver rate, which they told me takes a little time sometimes. At which time I paid a deposit of $195. With no carriers found, on April 4th I added $75 to the offer. April 15th I received another email saying they are still looking for a carrier for my car.

On April 22nd I had some time off work so just decided to go pick up my car myself, since nothing much was happening on the shipping front. I emailed and called to request that the order be cancelled and my deposit refunded as per the contract. I have received not a single phone call or email since. I have sent 5-6 more emails to Graham and to the general customer service line. I have called and left Graham multiple messages, as well as people in the accounts/payments department, all of which have been completely ignored. I have tried live support, and I'm ignored there too. I will be contacting the BBB, as well as paypal and my credit card company about this issue.

Company Response
AmeriFreight from AmeriFreight Car Shipping Submitted this response.
Response Date: 5/8/2012 10:07:00 PM
Our sincere apologies for this customer. Yes we neglected to confirm with the customer that his order was cancelled. Although we can try make up all types of reasons why we failed we did not perform as expected. All monies have been refunded and we have communicated since the review was posted. It sometimes does happen that we perform below our and customers expectations and we will do our best to correct the issues. But we are proud of our overwhelmingly positive reviews from our customers.